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We simplify complex tech into practical solutions that enhance your customer interactions and drive growth.

Our Clever-AI chatbots can transform your website visitors into committed buyers by helping establish trust from the moment they arrive on your website. We start by understanding your business deeply, then train the chatbot to suit your business. 



Understanding your Business

Our first step is to thoroughly research your business, industry, and competitors. This involves:

  • Interviewing stakeholders to get insights into your business goals, target audience, and customer service strategy.

  • Analysing your website to understand the tone of content, FAQs, and customer interaction points.

  • Studying industry trends to ensure your chatbot is ahead of the curve, providing modern and efficient customer interactions.


Why it’s important: This in-depth research ensures the chatbot will act as a true representative of your brand, reflecting your business values and understanding customer needs, which is crucial for building initial trust.



Crafting Your Custom Chatbot

Using the insights gained from our research, we build a custom chatbot tailored specifically to your business’s needs. This includes:

  • Personalised Greetings and Conversations: To make interactions feel more personal and engaging.

  • Integrating with existing databases: To provide accurate information and seamless service.

  • Setting up response templates: Based on common queries and your specific FAQs.

Why it’s important: A customised chatbot not only enhances user experience but also shows your customers that you value their time and trust, fostering a positive relationship from the start.


Test Run

48-Hour Clever-AI Chatbot Test Run

Before full integration, we offer a 48-hour trial period during which you will receive a link to your chatbot, so you can test it out internally. This phase helps to:

  • Refine interactions: Based on expected user interactions, ensuring the chatbot responds appropriately.

  • Gather initial feedback: To make any necessary adjustments.


Why it’s important: The trial period acts as a safety net, allowing you to experience the benefits of your custom chatbot and ensure it meets your expectations before going live. It builds confidence in our product and further solidifies trust with your users by enhancing their experience.



Subscribe to Clever-AI Chatbot

Following the successful trial, you can subscribe to continue using the chatbot, and integrate it to your business website. Our subscription includes:

  • Ongoing support and maintenance: To handle any issues and update the bot as needed.

  • Continual improvements: Based on user feedback and new advancements in AI technology.

  • Regular reports and insights: On chatbot performance and user engagement metrics.


Why it’s important: Subscribing allows you to maintain a high level of user interaction quality and keeps your business relevant with technological advance. It ensures that the trust you’ve built with your visitors continues to grow, enhancing user satisfaction and loyalty.

Building Trust with Website Visitors

Building trust with your website visitors is vital; it not only helps in converting them into customers but also in retaining them. A personalised and efficient chatbot can:

  • Provide immediate assistance: Visitors are greeted instantly and can get their questions answered without delays.

  • Show understanding and care: Personalised interactions make visitors feel valued and cared for, which is fundamental in building trust.

  • Offer reliable and consistent help: A chatbot is available 24/7, providing consistent quality in responses and information.

By partnering with AI-My Business's Clever-AI Chatbot, you ensure that your website not only attracts visitors but converts them into loyal customers through reliable, thoughtful, and efficient engagement. Trust is the foundation of customer loyalty, and with our custom chatbot solutions, you are set to build lasting relationships with your visitors.

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