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Choose your pricing plan

  • Basic

    Every month
    +$499 One-off Setup Fee
    Engage your website visitors with a custom chatbot trained once at initial setup
     3 day free trial
    • Custom Chatbot trained to share your business knowledge
    • Embed Chatbot on your website
    • No on-going Chatbot training
  • Premium

    Every month
    +$499 One-off Setup Fee
    Your dynamic Chatbot that is continuously updated
     3 day free trial
    • Custom Chatbot trained to share your business knowledge
    • Embed Chatbot in your website
    • Enhanced training including industry authority sites
    • Unlimited URL and document updates per month
  • AI For Teachers Workshop

    Manningham Civic Centre - 23 August 2024
    • Introduction to Generative AI and Chatbots
    • Hands On with Prompt Engineering
    • Prompt Engineering Framework for Teaching
    • Take Away With Your Own Custom Teaching Assistant Chatbot
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